Sunday 18 July 2010


You've always been an inspiration to me. I think it's amazing how you can be so completey honest about everything bad you've ever done in your life, and want to change for the better. You're presentation is so amazing, and is just proof of what a wonderful person you are. I mean, hey, everyone makes mistakes right. And it's so great that you've realised what you were doing was wrong and you're putting it right. I really admire you for that. You're such a kind person, and we've spoken a few times and I always get such a good vibe from you. You're funny, sweet and genuinly amazing. On a lighter note, your me-doll is also gorgeous. The make-up looks so neat and fresh. The mole-art is fabulous too. In conclusion, you're an inspiring idvidual with a gorgeous me-doll.

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