Sunday 18 July 2010


You probably think I don't like you.
But I do, alot.
You have strong opinions on things, and you're not afraid to voice them, which I think is awesome.
You don't back down, and you always stand up for what you believe in, and you're true to yourself.
Not to mention your amazing me-doll. It gorgeous. The unibrow is such a cool idea, haha, it's so unique.
And the lips are also awesome, the little heart really makes them pop.


what a sexy me-doll. ♥__♥
I actually love it. Like you said, it's unique and no-ones going to copy you.
I think it's awesome, it's better to stand out than to fit in right?
And you definatley stand out.
Love it. xD


you always have the most amazing me-dolls. I'm incredibly jealous >;] You're so good at mole art, whether it's moustaches or piercings, you always pull it of and it never looks over the top. That might be because your make-up is so amazing. The blusher is really neat, and I can never get mine to look as good >:| xD You're a really kind person too. You're funny and your posts make me smile. You're definatley unique and you seem really smart too. I've seen your pictures of you in RL, and giirl, you're gorgeous. So pretty ;o



I think you know who I am. But whatever, imma do you a post. I actually love your me-doll. It's so cute. It's really original too, and doesn't look like a clone of anyone else's. The hair colour looks great agaisnt the skin tone, and the smiley face is adorableee. You're a really cool person, you're hilarious and make me laugh alooot. You're kinda new to FC, but I have a feeling you're going to hit it of. ;D


I love, love, love your me-doll. I love how you've done your own spin on the classic FC moustache xD. It's very unique and I love the blue hilights in your hair. Kinda reminds me of coontails. Idk if they were supposed to, but I love it. ;D I also think your make-up is stunning. It looks adorable, really pretty. Your personality is so great to. You're such a sweet, funny person. You seem like a genuinly nice person, and I would love it if I could get to know you.


your me-doll, is so gorgeous. You have so many starpoints too. I'm incredibly jealous. Haha. The hair looks amazing on your me-doll. And I love the piercings, they just add that sparkle of uniqueness. (I don't think that's a word xD) Also, your eye-make up is to die for. It's stunning. You seem like a really cool person too. I've seen you around alot, and you seem really kind. I'd love to get to know you a little more.